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The Bookcase Behind Me with Pastor Brandon Warr and Pastor Filmore Alvarez

Jul 25, 2021

In this episode, Pastors Warr and Alvarez are joined by frequent guest Jonathan, Kuster of St.. Mary's, discussing the MOTU PROPRIO TRADITIONIS CUSTODES and why it matters for Lutherans. Has the Pope gone too far? Well...Yes...we've been saying that for 500 years.😐😐😐

Jul 17, 2021

This is Part Deux of Pastors Warr and Alvarez discussion on Church Buildings. This time around they are conversing about the Exterior of the Church Building and what certain traditions mean. Obligatory Adiaphron notice is in order so, with that, enjoy the info!

Jul 11, 2021

On this episode, Pastor Warr rides solo as he embodies the Crazy Charlie meme to explain his research and theories regarding Markan priority while constantly mispronouncing both Markan and Matthean priority theory.
