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The Bookcase Behind Me with Pastor Brandon Warr and Pastor Filmore Alvarez

Dec 11, 2021

This episode focuses on some well-known and not so well know Advent traditions in the Church and in the Home. What is up with Germans and the Christ Child? Where did the Advent Wreath come from? Why is the Pastor wearing PINK? And more!

Oct 30, 2021

It's a JUMBO celebration for our 50th Episode as we welcome the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America-the Rt. Rev. James Heiser- to discuss Church Discipline and the Office of the Keys. As this is also our Reformation Episode this year, we discuss the role of discipline in the Reformation and on...

Oct 24, 2021

In a BCBM First, we have 2 GUESTS to tackle the topic of funerals, death and burial of the body. Pastor Dan Mensing (Faith Lutheran, Tigard, OR) as well as Layman Jacob Glass (St. Patrick, Chipley, FL) help discuss the most frequent questions including the biblical view on Cremation and Burial as well as some...

Oct 16, 2021

In this Episode, Pastors Warr and Alvarez discuss the good Ignatius, not the bald one who was a counter-reformation hack fraud from Loyola. St. Ignatius of Antioch is worth remembering and studying for his devotion and teaching even if some papists abuse him or confuse him for the other guy.